Seven of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Upholding integrity and standing firm in convictions.”
Seven of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Seven of Wands signifies standing up for your integrity and individuality.
When you let your personal honor code inform your decisions, you will find yourself on the high road. Taking this road isn’t always the easiest path, but it is the one that will make you shine. The Seven of Wands encourages you to think as an individual and avoid devolving into “group think.” This could mean not engaging in gossip to appease a wounded ego. It could also mean not going along with something that violates your sense of right and wrong, just to gain the acceptance of others.
This card reminds you that maintaining your integrity and individuality is essential, even if it means standing alone. Embrace your unique perspective and have the courage to voice your opinions, even if they differ from the majority. The Seven of Wands empowers you to resist the temptation of conformity and to stay true to your moral compass.
Remember, standing up for your principles may require strength and resilience. It may involve facing criticism or encountering obstacles along the way. However, the rewards of staying true to yourself and honoring your integrity far outweigh any temporary discomfort. Trust in your ability to navigate challenging situations with grace and dignity, knowing that your unwavering commitment to your values will ultimately lead you to success and self-respect.
Do you stand up for what is right, good and the just, within you?
Are you able to take the high road and not engage in slander and gossip? Can you rise above the lower human impulses for bickering, pettiness and the ego’s need to be always right?
The man on the card is defending his position on the high road. He is on the hilltop, above all the rest. His face exudes grim determination to stand up for what is right. You can’t see the other individuals attacking him on the card. You don’t need to. They are all the same. They are more interested in banding together to “fit in,” while targeting those who stand out. The man at the top of the hill is in the best position. He is “King of the Mountain,” and no one will dislodge him. If you look closely, the man is wearing two different kinds of shoes. This shows that he is a nonconformist. Wearing two different shoes has made him a target by those who choose uniformity. This mob doesn’t know who this guy thinks he is! How dare he stand apart from them, thumbing his nose at their conformity. The group below feels good sharing a brain, but the man on the hilltop is true to his own unique path. This distinguishes him as an individual with personal strength and honor.
In every human is an instinct and desire to be accepted and belong.
We might like to think that only teenagers self-consciously care about what others think. However, every human feels a desire to be accepted and belong. Unfortunately, many adults engage in way too much negativity to gain the acceptance of their “tribe.” This manifests as gossip, group think, throwing others under the bus, racist/homophobic jokes and rejection of people who appear “different.” We all like to believe we are good people, but chronically engaging in these sorts of behaviors can rob “good people” of their integrity and individualism.
Every now and then you hear someone who shines with integrity say, “I’m not going to engage in this conversation.” Or “I actually really like her, she quite nice if you get to know her.” It isn’t because people with integrity believe they are better. It is because they embrace compassion and know the sting of unfair rejection firsthand. We admire these people because they have courage and take a stand. The most admirable people do not engage in what is beneath their dignity. Take a stand for what’s right. The Seven of Wands encourages you to embrace your unique vision and individuality.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Seven of Wands (Reversed) meaning.
Learn what the Seven of Wands (Reversed) means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.