Five of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Energy wasters.”

Five of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Five of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card

When the Five of Pentacles appears reversed, it asks you to identify any areas of your life that you are pouring energy into, without seeing any improvement.

This can come in the form of giving your energy to "psychic vampires," spending your time to people that don't respect it or pouring your money into a situation or person that continues to make you feel bad or guilty. At the root of these experiences are questions of worth, and more importantly, what sort of life you feel you are worthy of. Stop spending energy, time and money on people or situations that leave you feeling depleted. Ask yourself, “What is the area of my life that is the biggest energy-waster?”

Recognizing the sources of energy drain in your life is the first step toward reclaiming your power. Be vigilant about where you direct your resources and attention. Align them with situations and people that uplift and nurture you, rather than those that diminish you. By making these adjustments, you set the stage for more fulfilling and prosperous experiences to enter your life.

The Five of Pentacles represents poverty and neediness.

Poverty is not just a financial condition one suffers; it is a pervasive state of mind. "How am I going to pay for this?" "If I don't give him more money for the hundredth time it will be my fault if something bad happens?" "I wish I could just get lucky and win the lottery." "I'm just not good with money." "When can I get out of this debt?" "Why am I so worthless?" "Why don't they appreciate me?"

These are all examples of poverty consciousness. Even rich people can get stuck in poverty consciousness. This is because poverty is not actually about money. It's really about self-esteem.


Do you ever feel that success is granted to everybody else but continues to elude you? Are you adequately compensated for the work you do? Do you feel confident enough to put up boundaries with others? Do you value yourself and the services you provide? Do you need to get a new job?

The people depicted on the Five of Pentacles have fallen on hard times. They are sick and injured. Behind them is a cathedral, emitting warmth and glowing with light. The poor folks on the card don’t even think to enter. They are rejected “untouchables.” The feel they are on the outside. They truly don’t consider themselves as worthy of a place inside. They have allowed poverty consciousness to enter their hearts. Once this belief is let in, it’s challenging to cast it out.

In ancient Greece the Goddess of Poverty was named Penia. This Goddess would wander from house to house, much like the vagabonds on the card. Penia would bang on the doors of everyone until someone without boundaries let her in. Once Penia was in the house, it was so difficult to get her to leave. She would constantly make the occupants feel obligated, worthless and guilty. Penia stayed indefinitely until the individual took back their home by casting her out. In this case, the home is a symbol for one’s heart.

Giving to others and being of service must be done with boundaries. The old saying: "Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him a lifetime," encapsulates this truth.

There is one force on the planet that can eradicate poverty consciousness: Self-Esteem.

When you feel smart, capable, competent, and confident you know your self-worth. If an individual feels worthy, poverty consciousness cannot gain a foothold. Unscrupulous individuals can't "use" people who are strong in their sense of self-worth. Users and manipulators are like predators. They go for the weakest one when hunting for a sucker. The Five of Pentacles alerts you to any person or situation that seeks to make you feel less than. It’s time to create strong boundaries.

Know your worth and value. Stop giving yourself away if you are running on empty. Put up boundaries with needy individuals. Speak up for yourself! Help others only if they are helping themselves. Go for your best opportunities.

The Five of Pentacles reversed also asks you to monitor the quality of your thoughts. You don't have to hold onto thoughts just because you have them. Some thoughts are garbage and need to be thrown away. Upright or reversed, the Five of Pentacles asks you to reject any thoughts that undermine your sense of value. Affirm only those thoughts that make you feel good about yourself.

The Five of Pentacles reversed reminds you to stop giving yourself away to experiences that make you feel empty. You can choose to throw out any thought, person, or experience that does not make you feel good about who you are, how far you've come, and where you are going. You are becoming more aware of the love, blessings, and abundance that surrounds you. You are coming out of the bitter snow, and toward the warmth of the hearth. Remember that you are worthy of each blessing you have, and all those that are still on the way. 

Five of Pentacles (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Five of Pentacles reversed warns you to steer clear of people who don’t have their life together. Users, energy vampires, or people who play head games will always try to latch onto someone whose energy, money, or resources they can drain. You do not have to sacrifice yourself in payment for a manipulative person to stay.

Long Term Partnership

Your partner either struggles financially or is emotionally depleted. They may not have the resources physically, mentally, or emotionally to give you the life that you deserve. If you are getting less investment than you are giving, then you must make them aware. If they still can’t get you what you need, then you may have to make the difficult choice to choose yourself first.

Seeking Romance

The Five of Pentacles reversed also appears when it is time to toss out the beliefs that make you feel like garbage. This card tells you to take out the trash. No matter what happened in the past, today is a new day to start anew. It’s time to restore your confidence and self-esteem. Engage in fulfilling connections and activities that reaffirm you worth.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Five of Pentacles (Upright) meaning.


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