Six of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Embrace positive changes and surrender to life's flow.”
Six of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Six of Swords represents moving on, from one place in your life to another. This card can indicate travel, changing careers, leaving relationships or even moving. The Six of Swords can also signify an elevation to the next level in your professional life. When this card appears, the changes you are experiencing are for the best. The Six of Swords suggests that you go with the flow, rather than fight the current. If you surrender to where life’s momentum is currently flowing, you will speedily arrive at a safe harbor.
Where is the energy of change flowing in your life?
What destination do you have in mind? What must you leave behind?
The ferryman is guiding two refugees, a mother and her child, to a new life. Ferrymen represent situations that carry us from one life to the next. Ferrymen are harbingers of change. The skies are grey, and the mood is somber. The mother’s first duty is to protect her child. The refugees are leaving behind the past for the promise of a brighter future. The waters behind them are rough, but the waters ahead are smooth. In order to reach the safe shores, they must leave behind past troubles. Although the boat is not very comfortable, it promises to lead them toward the promise of a happier life.
The Six of Swords heralds an exciting time of movement.
Change is happening in your life too, and this usually accompanied by temporary discomfort. You may be unsure of your footing, and simple challenges may seem magnified. A small inconvenience can seem like a momentous stress when navigating life’s transitions. However, know that the changes occurring in your life right now are truly for the better. Don’t fight to stay in the old lands, for the metaphorical boat is taking you to new shores. The Six of Swords heralds an exciting time of movement. This card can also herald a trip or a journey. Distance will aid you in acquiring perspective, and awareness of your new opportunities.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Six of Swords (Reversed) meaning.
Learn what the Six of Swords means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.