Eight of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

"Meaningful work."

Eight of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Eight of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Eight of Pentacles represents immersing yourself in work that gives your life meaning.

It suggests giving one-hundred and ten percent to the tasks in front of you. This card reminds you to value the skills you are mastering and acknowledge how they improve the lives of others. Giving your best effort ensures that you can go out into the world with your head held high, confident in your abilities and your value.

Eight of Pentacles (Upright) | Daily Tarot Wisdom on YouTube

YouTube video for the Eight of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Do you truly appreciate the work that you do?

What skills are you honing each day, to improve your life? Is it time to stretch yourself, past your comfort zones, toward fulfilling work?Today, enthusiastically take up the tasks in front of you, and give one-hundred and ten percent.

The craftsman on the card busily inscribes his Pentacles (symbols for manifestation) with a hammer and chisel. Hammers represent focused power and accuracy. They channel energy toward their target. We’ve all heard the phrase, “hitting the nail on the head.” The craftsman loves his work. It provides a means of focusing his powerful, creative energy. He wears a blacksmith’s apron, giving him the power to bend even the strongest materials toward his vision. A pathway connects his workshop to the little village in the distance. This symbolizes that his work connects him with others. To the townspeople he is not just “the Craftsman.” He is also the master of eight apprentices, the beloved teacher at the monastery, gaining the town’s affection for his compassion and kindness. The craftsman is also very funny, bringing laughter to the villagers, with his dry wit and humor. The craftsman doesn’t just do work for the village for financial gain. Each day, he uses his work as a vehicle, to improve his community, connect with others, and better himself.

Being fully engaged on the work that you do is very empowering. It transforms your energy from being reactive, to being proactive. Your job is not merely a means of making money. The skills you are mastering connect you with society, which provides you with a platform to improve it. This allows you to put your own unique stamp on the world, and to change the energy of your environment. How are you improving your world with the work you do? Are you making it a better place?

Today, let the Eight of Pentacles guide you to enthusiastically take up the tasks in front of you and give your all.

Value the work that you do, and others will too. Work isn’t just labor. It is your contribution for the betterment of all. If your current work feels limiting, then it’s time to find something that utilizes your best attributes and talents. Instead of resenting the job at hand, change the energy. This may require you to place yourself in a new position that brings more learning or fulfillment. You are in control of how you employ your skill set, and where you focus your energy.

Don’t just endure work. It’s more than a job, it’s your platform for making the world a better place. The Eight of Pentacles foretells hard work ahead, but with great success as a result.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Eight of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Eight of Pentacles means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨ | Tarot Reading for Feb 13 to Feb 19th | Elliot Oracle 🧚 🦇 🐺


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