Three of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Find the place within where there is joy.” 

Three of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Three of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card

When the Three of Cups appears reversed, it indicates that you may be too distracted by other matters to remember the joy that is all around you.

When we get preoccupied with duties, worries, preparations, and stresses we forget that our sense of joy can be accessed at any time. It's as easy as listening your favorite song, eating your favorite treat, delving into a great book, or accessing your creativity. Don't put off your joy another day. Today is the day for your spirit to glow.

YouTube video for the Three of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Do you ever feel weighed down by negative energy in your environment?

Perhaps stress has made it difficult for you to find your inner light. But did you know that by embracing your own charismatic energy, you can create a happier world around you?

In the Three of Cups, we see the Three Graces from Greek mythology, who represent the goddesses of charisma. Legend has it that wherever they went, flowers bloomed, and laughter filled the air. Each Grace personifies attributes that can transform your energy from gloomy to joyful. The term "charisma" derives from these three goddesses, also known as the Charities. Charisma is a special energy that attracts others to you, and it's something everyone can cultivate. By embracing your authenticity, lightening up, and radiating positive energy to others, you can increase your personal charisma.

In the Three of Cups, each Grace is depicted wearing a unique color: red, white, and gold. Euphrosyne, in the red robe, represents delight, cheerfulness, and joy. By embracing humor, we can channel Euphrosyne's gift, making our environment more vibrant. Laughing at what makes us anxious is a useful tool for overcoming it. Red is the color of courage, vitality, and passion.

Aglaea, in the white robe, embodies radiance, brightness, and light. When we share our inner radiance, we are embracing Aglaea's gift. Being relaxed in who we are creates a positive energy that others will notice. By connecting with others' inner light, we touch Aglaea's gift. White symbolizes purity, truth, and spirit.

Thalia, in the golden robe, represents warmth, nurturing, and growth. Tending to our hopes and dreams makes life more meaningful. By nurturing our talents, we embody Thalia's energy. Helping others with the same struggles we face is the quickest way to boost our self-worth and value. Gold symbolizes success, wealth, and the warmth of the sun.

Everyone can increase their personal charisma. Like any skill, the more we practice, the more natural it becomes. Charisma raises energy, making it easier for us to achieve success. Fighting for what we want isn't the only way to succeed. By tapping into the gifts of the Graces, we can transform the energy of a room as if by magic. Talented people with tons of personal charisma command top dollar because they can raise our energy through music, words, and entertainment.

The Three of Cups reversed reminds you that you can elevate the energy no matter where you are, or what is happening.

Forgetting your joy can feel easier than remembering it. There are many excuses to not allow yourself to feel good. There are still a million things to do, negativity in the world, and many wounds from the past. This card reminds you that joy is something that sometimes must be consciously chosen. Today, it’s time to switch mental gears and allow the experience of joy to prevail. 

Joseph Campbell used to say, "Find the place within where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain." Don't let another minute go by today where you aren't tapping into the gifts of the Graces. Neutralize negativity by turning it into laughter. Tend to your brightest hopes, goals, and dreams. See the luminous radiance in your own reflection and twinkling in the eyes of those around you. Use your personal charisma to elevate your interactions with others. You can truly be happier whenever you make the decision to be. Don’t forget your joy!

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Three of Cups (Upright) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Three of Cups (Reversed) means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨ | Tarot Reading for Feb 20th to Feb 26th | Elliot Oracle 🐟 🦫 🐧


Knight of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day