Two of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
Two of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Two of Pentacles represents juggling unexpected events.
These experiences aren’t bad or good; they are merely unpredictable. The infinity symbol binding the two coins represents the eternal truth that life does not always go according to plan. The juggler on the card survives the undulations of fortune because he remains flexible and adaptable. This is symbolized by the boats that remain afloat amid the tumultuous waters.
How do you respond when things don't go according to plan?
Do you get angry or become resistant? Are you able to retain your good humor?
The juggler depicted on the Two of Pentacles is an entertainer. He takes life’s lemons and makes lemonade. He transforms the troubles life sends him into entertaining, teachable moments to uplift the himself and others. The Two of Pentacles reminds us not to fight the waves life hurls at us, but rather to float above them. Know that in life there are always going to be waves. Don’t take them personally! Instead of asking yourself, “Why is this happening to me,” tell yourself, “Thank you this valuable lesson to remain flexible.” In nature, life that cannot adapt becomes extinct.
The symbolism of the Two of Pentacles links it with two Major Arcana cards: The Magician (another juggler with an infinity symbol) and the Wheel of Fortune (the unpredictable ups and downs of life). In early French decks, the Magician was even called Bateleur (Juggler). Like the Magician, the juggler depicted here is in control of his response to the unpredictable motions of the Wheel of Fortune. His tall, funny-looking hat symbolizes that he is stretching his mind, to transcend his struggles through humor and wisdom. Instead of thinking negatively, and feeling victimized by life, the juggler views events light-heartedly. His hat also symbolizes that he is stretching his mind to align with a higher perspective.
The Two of Pentacles encourages you to ride the waves, instead of fighting them.
Let unexpected eventualities roll off your back. Learn to laugh at them and use them to stretch your own mind. You can juggle anything life sends your way with transcendent grace and ease. The Two of Pentacles can also indicate a juggling of finances. Transferring energy or assets flexibly will restore harmony.
Two of Pentacles in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Two of Pentacles symbolizes someone who is a lot of fun, but extremely unpredictable. This person may not return your messages one day, and then unexpectedly show up with flowers the next. If you seek consistency and stability, this juggler may disappoint you. This humorous personality is unconventional and seeks an easygoing partner who doesn’t apply pressure.
Long Term Partnership
For couples, the Two of Pentacles can represent changing priorities, values, or needs. This card requires both partners to compromise and adapt to the changing needs of the other for the partnership to progress. Issues surrounding financial or career instability could also take center stage. Do not fight the waves of change; ride them.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, the juggler tells you to expect the unexpected. Have a bit more fun with life and start mingling. Play, flirt, express your sense of humor, and lighten up. If you haven’t found true love yet, lighten up! What will be will be, at the right time. Life rarely goes according to plan, so have fun with where the unpredictable waves might speed you toward.