Four of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"Embrace Change, Let Go of Avoidance, and Cultivate Internal Security."
Four of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card
The Four of Pentacles reversed represents a breakthrough in releasing patterns of avoidance that keep you from connecting with your true feelings.
These behaviors could be anything from overeating, drinking, working, shopping, obsessively checking your phone, or binge-watching television. The Four of Pentacles card suggests that you are starting to become aware of the barriers that prevent you from connecting with your feelings and with others. You may have been clinging to material possessions or the pursuit of external success as a way to avoid dealing with deeper emotional issues. This card encourages you to release your grip on these external things and to focus on developing a sense of internal security and self-worth.
As you embrace this shift towards acknowledging and dismantling avoidance behaviors, remember that this journey is about compassion and self-acceptance. It's a process that allows you to recognize that these patterns were once coping mechanisms, ways to navigate a complex world. With this newfound awareness, you can gently release the grip of avoidance without self-judgment. Understand that growth takes time and effort. Celebrate each step forward, no matter how small, for they are milestones on the path towards genuine connection and understanding.
The reversed Four of Pentacles invites you to explore practices that foster introspection and emotional well-being. Consider mindfulness, meditation, or journaling as tools to navigate this transformative phase. These practices can aid in grounding you, allowing you to shed light on the layers within and nurture a more profound connection with your true self. Remember, the most profound transformations often arise from moments of self-reflection and the courage to confront what lies beneath the surface.
Do you feel safe and secure?
Are you erecting barriers between yourself and others because you fear sharing your authenticity? Do you feel that no matter how much you achieve or acquire; it still doesn't feel like it's enough?
The Four of Pentacles reversed appears when you are letting go of the need for material security and finding security within yourself. You are realizing that true security cannot be found solely through external possessions or achievements. You are opening yourself up to the possibility of sharing your authentic self with others and breaking down the barriers you have created. This can be a difficult process, as it involves releasing old patterns and beliefs that have kept you stuck in a cycle of seeking external validation. It requires embracing vulnerability and learning to trust yourself and others. But the rewards are great, as you will find a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment in your life.
The miserly man depicted on the card had a difficult early life. He knows well what it is like to go hungry. He was the eldest child, in a poor family. Dealing with extreme poverty in his childhood created a lot of emotional turmoil, accompanied by feelings of being less than. One way for the man to medicate this sense of inequity was to make a lot of money. He decided to be the best at everything he did. He thought if he gained enough money and status, he would finally prove to the world he was worthy. The man moved to a big city, buzzing with opportunity and flashy personalities. He did everything to gain their acceptance, and soon became the wealthiest man among them. And yet, no matter how much money he earned, or how much approval he gained, he still felt empty, and insecure.
Here we see the miserly man clutching his four pentacles. They are the symbols for status, money, power, and achievement. These are not bad attributes to have so long as they are held by one that is already secure in himself. As tightly as the miser holds these attributes, they never seem to bring him an authentic sense of security. Look at his face. There is still suffering happening there. Internally he remains a scared neglected boy. Now, in turn he's neglected the needs of his inner-self. His four Pentacles have become barriers. The one on his head makes him forget his connection to Spirit. The one clutched to his heart blocks him from receiving love and feeling his feelings. The two Pentacles under his feet cut him off from being grounded in nature. His nature.
Listen to the needs of your true nature. True security can only be found within.
The Four of Pentacles reversed represents transcending numbing distractions.
It can also represent giving and sharing. You may need to be more generous with your time, resources or abilities to assist someone looking to you for help. The man on the card is suffering because he is not open to sharing. The Four of Pentacles reversed advises you to be generous with sharing your best qualities with others. This card could also indicate that you need to share your true feelings, instead of bottling them up. The walls are coming down and it is time for reconnecting, not only with your inner self, but with loved ones as well. Being open-hearted and vulnerable will lead to healing. Have the courage to reject anything plastic or artificial and feel your real feelings.
Although it may feel like confronting your feelings will be uncomfortable this card shows that the prolonged avoidance of them is what leads to more suffering. Give yourself the gift of quiet. Light some candles and some incense. Give yourself a reading. Take a contemplative walk in nature. Start a dialogue with your heart. Ask how it has been feeling these days.
Being open and honest will lead to a tremendous breakthrough.
The Four of Pentacles (Reversed) in a Love Reading:
New Relationship
The person you are asking about is releasing old burdens. They are beginning anew and uneasy with taking on more pressure from another person. They may need to place themselves first; this is not entirely a bad thing (for either of you). The Four of Pentacles reversed encourages patience as events are still in motion.
Long Term Partnership
The Four of Pentacles reversed signals a time when you and your partner are finally removing the external barriers that have kept you from connecting. This card can also signify a positive career change, where one partner is leaving a profession that brought them more misery than happiness. This will positively affect their mood and the relationship.
Seeking Romance
It is time to be more giving, open, and vulnerable. This will transform your energy from shutting down, to allowing good things to naturally find their way to you instead. You are beginning to recognize that what is yours will always come to you. You are also learning to let go of a past relationship that once seemed impossible to get over.