Four of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Find Balance in Material Pursuits, and Cultivate Your Inner Wealth.“

Four of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Four of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

When the Four of Pentacles appears, it is important to evaluate your relationship with money and material possessions.

Although this a wonderful card financially speaking, it warns against being consumed by the pursuit of security solely through the acquisition of external things. The Four of Pentacles reminds you to balance both your expectations of worldly success, with the needs of your authentic self.

In the quest for financial stability and security, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of maintaining balance. This card asks you to re-center and ensure that your quest for material wealth doesn't overshadow the importance of personal growth and authenticity. This might involve setting aside time for self-reflection, cultivating meaningful relationships, or investing in personal development.

This card calls for an honest assessment of how you perceive wealth and the role it plays in your life. It's important to recognize that there's more to life than material possessions, and true abundance is found by nurturing the intangible aspects of your being, such as relationships, personal growth, and self-awareness.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that represents the energy of stability, security, and material success. It signifies a strong desire to create a solid foundation and build wealth. However, this card also serves as a reminder that true abundance comes from a balanced approach to life, one that acknowledges the importance of inner wealth and personal growth.

YouTube video for the Four of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Are you holding on to them too tightly, to the point of feeling possessive or greedy?

Do you feel safe and secure? Are you erecting barriers between yourself and others because you fear sharing your authenticity? Do you feel that no matter how much you achieve or acquire; it still doesn't feel like it's enough?

The miserly man depicted on the card had a difficult early life. He knows well what it is like to go hungry. He was the eldest child, in a poor family. Dealing with extreme poverty in his childhood created a lot of emotional turmoil, accompanied by feelings of being less than. One way for the man to medicate this sense of inequity was to make a lot of money. He decided to be the best at everything he did. He thought if he gained enough money and status, he would finally prove to the world he was worthy. The man moved to a big city, buzzing with opportunity and flashy personalities. He did everything to gain their acceptance, and soon became the wealthiest man among them. And yet, no matter how much money he earned, or how much approval he gained, he still felt empty, and insecure.

Here we see the miserly man clutching his four pentacles. They are the symbols for status, money, power, and achievement. These are not bad attributes to have so long as they are held by one that is already secure in himself. As tightly as the miser holds these attributes, they never seem to bring him an authentic sense of security. Look at his face. There is still suffering happening there. Internally he remains a scared neglected boy. Now, in turn he's neglected the needs of his inner-self. His four Pentacles have become barriers. The one on his head makes him forget his connection to Spirit. The one clutched to his heart blocks him from receiving love and feeling his feelings. The two Pentacles under his feet cut him off from being grounded in nature. His nature.

Overall, the Four of Pentacles represents the need for balance and a healthy relationship with money and possessions. The pursuit of position and wealth are not inherently bad things. By all means… be a great financial success! The problem lies in "deadening" your humanity, to conform to the world around you, in order to finally feel good enough. Your humanity can be described as the part of you that feels love and compassion, for yourself and others. The depth within you is in constant dialogue with your spirit. Many people in our culture use their work, or worldly position as a way to seek validation. And yet pharmaceutical companies are getting rich because these same people are depressed and miserable, seeking an authentic feeling in all that is artificial. Seeking security in someone or something outside of yourself will always lead to a sense of insecurity.

Listen to the needs of your true nature. True security can only be found within. On a purely financial level, the Four of Pentacles can symbolize good financial prospects and material security, with a caution to be conservative concerning money at this time. Save it.

Worldly possessions and accolades can bring a temporary sense of satisfaction. But true fulfillment stems from nurturing our inner wealth — our passions, values, relationships, and spiritual beliefs. The Four of Pentacles advises us to prioritize this inner richness, fostering a life that aligns with our true nature and essence. While financial stability is vital, it is equally crucial to invest time and energy in cultivating our soul and connecting with our deeper selves.

The Four of Pentacles in a Love Reading:

New Relationship

The Four of Pentacles can represent a person who places a lot of value in the external trappings of success or power. This card can also represent a needy, or clingy partner who is insecure. At its most innocent, the Four of Pentacles can represent a “tightwad,” or someone who begrudges paying for things. You can tell by their response to the first restaurant check!

Long Term Partnership

The Four of Pentacles encourages you and your partner to focus on goals for future security. Sometimes, this card places an emphasis on “pinching your pennies” or saving up for a major expenditure. Try not to take needless financial risks or splurge on extravagances. This card can also signify a possessive person who has trouble sharing their partner’s attention with others. 

Seeking Romance

If you are single, you may be realizing that your desire to keep yourself “safe” is blocking you from making meaningful connections. The Four of Pantacles can also signify that you are focusing too much on career or the acquisition of wealth. Restore balance between work and play and make more time for socializing.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Four of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.


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