Queen of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Embrace vulnerability and foster deep connections.”
Queen of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Queen of Swords appears reversed, she warns that you not become too isolated from others.
There is a remote quality to the Queen of Swords reversed. She would rather do everything by herself. Boundaries and self-respect are important, but equally important is allowing for vulnerability and connection. The Queen of Swords reversed sees herself as a loner. Like the Page of Swords, she keeps herself isolated with a sharp tongue and her appearance warns against speaking harshly or without tact.
What may cause you to isolate from others and how can you address it in a balanced way?
Is it difficult for you to stand up to the pressures of what others think you should be or do?
Be mindful of the dignity of every human being. Speak with your best voice today. Use your powerful words to encourage others, create healthy boundaries, and to bring clarity to miscommunications. Avoid using your voice as a weapon to inject toxicity into personal relationships. Show your fearlessness with an open heart.
When the Queen of Swords reversed represents another person, she could be a loner or appear to have a chip on her shoulder. She may also bark orders or seem combative. This is usually a mask for a deep insecurity. Don’t get into a war of words with this individual. Silence is golden.
The Queen of Swords reversed reminds us that we need other people.
Even the most powerful people do not ascend to great heights all by themselves. Success is much easier when collaboration is happening. Use your voice to speak up for yourself, but with respectfulness. Also use your words to open more to life around you. It’s time to reconnect again.
She cautions against becoming overly self-reliant or distant. It's tempting, especially when one has been hurt before, to retreat into a protective shell, distancing oneself from potential emotional harm. However, by doing so, we might miss out on the richness of interpersonal relationships and mutual growth. Embrace vulnerability, as it is often through this raw openness that we forge the deepest bonds with those around us.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Queen of Swords (Upright) meaning.
Learn what the Queen of Swords means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.