Nine of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"Releasing the chip on your shoulder."
Nine of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card
When the Nine of Wands appears reversed, it suggests that you may be holding onto past wounds or grudges, and that this is preventing you from moving forward.
The Nine of Wands always indicates hard fought victorious but when it appears reversed it can also indicate hard feelings as well. Feeling angry that your life is not easy is a self-limiting belief. If we stayed comfortable and conflict-free throughout our lives, we would never grow or improve. In fact, we would deteriorate mentally and physically pretty quick! This card calls your attention to any resentments you may feel, including those born out of a sense of the unfairness of life. Over identifying with life’s setbacks rather than with the aligning with the courage needed to overcome them can be psychically crippling.
How much time and energy are you spending comparing your life to others?
At the heart of this card is a valuable lesson: Nobody gets a free pass in this life. Everyone has work to do on themselves. Everyone will experience, grief, pain, sadness and loss at some point. Everyone has their own struggles to overcome and that includes people with privileges you feel you don’t have. You may look at others and think they have it easier, but do you really know all their personal struggles and losses... or the ones they have yet to experience? This card asks you to stop comparing the challenges you’ve experienced in life with the perceived privileges of others. Be proud of your personal struggles and the personal victories you’ve achieved as a result. Honor your challenges as valuable teachers. Today, don’t resent the difficulties presented to you. Today presents you with an opportunity to be better. No more whining, making excuses or blaming others for where you find yourself on your path. Accept your challenges and turn them into opportunities. This will transform your perspective from one of victimization to personal strength.
The Nine of Wands is a symbol of courage, self-respect, and dignity.
It encourages you to stand up for yourself, to establish boundaries with those who seek to control or manipulate you, and to confront your own self-limiting beliefs.
The man depicted on the card resembles a boxer who has fought tirelessly for twelve rounds, enduring numerous blows and sustaining injuries. However, he has successfully established a boundary with the eight wands standing behind him, and he is prepared to defend it with pride and dignity. Each wand represents a hard-won victory that proves his worth and resilience. Despite his bruises and scars, he refuses to be defeated or humiliated.
Even though you may have faced challenges in the past, the Nine of Wands reminds you that you are strong and formidable. The only obstacle left to conquer may be the inner critic that tells you that you are not good enough. It is time to stand up to this shadow voice and to embrace the strength within you.
This card appears to remind you to set boundaries to protect what you have achieved. You should stop saying "yes" when you want to say "no," and be honest and clear with yourself and others. It is time to stand up to bullies, both in the external world and within your own mind. If you do so with honesty and integrity, you will emerge victorious.
Nine of Wands (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
When reversed, the Nine of Wands can represent a person who seems to have a huge chip on their shoulder. Although a painful experience from the past can explain why this person is disgruntled, it does not give them license to be unkind or rude. This card can also represent a person who habitually repeats an unhealthy relationship dynamic.
Long Term Partnership
Sometimes this card is associated with passive aggressive behavior that is masking one partner’s annoyance or anger. Try to lower the temperature and have an honest conversation without blaming or attacking. A long-standing resentment can be resolved, but only if an honest and compassionate dialogue is initiated.
Seeking Romance
The Nine of Wands can highlight unexpressed anger or resentment that is coloring your current attitude. Don’t allow past grievances to harden your heart toward future possibilities. You’ve been through the worst of it, and now it is time to create some optimism.