Nine of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Overcoming shadows.”
Nine of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card
When the Nine of Swords appears reversed, it suggests that you are moving away from the nightmare of self-doubt and realizing your true worth.
Life may have thrown challenges your way, but you have faced them with courage and resilience. You may have made difficult choices to walk away from toxic situations and people, and are now on the path to healing and growth. This card reminds you that fears and nightmares are not facts, and do not define you. You are not bound by superstitions or omens, and can trust in your own intuition and inner guidance. As you let go of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, you will begin to see the world with more clarity and positivity.
What challenges have you overcome, and what have you learned from the experience?
It's important to remember that fears and nightmares are not reality and do not define your worth. You have the power to trust your own intuition and inner guidance, and are not bound by superstitions or omens. As you let go of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, your perspective on the world will shift towards one of clarity and positivity.
Take the time to free yourself from the shackles of self-doubt and shift your perspective towards a more optimistic and joyful one. Remember the child on the Sun card and look at life with wonder and curiosity. The Universe is vast and full of endless possibilities, and you are a vital part of it all. Trust in your worth and know that everything is going to turn out better than you fear. The light always returns, and every time you stand up to fear, you become more aligned with your authentic self.
The man on the card just can't sleep. His mind has been overthrown by shadow thinking. He's in the dark, the realm of anxiety. His mind has been racing all night cycling from fear about the future, to guilt about his past, to self-loathing for not having control in the present. His inner-saboteur is holding him hostage, making him forget his light and how valuable he is. Look closely at the paneling on the bed. He is submitting to his attacking inner-saboteur. But even now there is still hope. He just can't see it now because he is covering his eyes. Look at his quilt. Blankets are shields. They can comfort us and remind us that we are actually safe. His blanket is covered with roses. The roses symbolize that he is still vital, and still has a wonderful life ahead of him, despite what the shadow tells him. His quilt is also covered with the signs of the zodiac, the star patterns of the Universe. This symbolizes that he can free himself from fear if he remembers to view himself in the context of Spirit. The man pictured here is actually a thread in a greater universal tapestry. He is a vital part of a bigger (Universal) plan. To escape the fear, he must view himself from a higher, universal perspective. This card reminds you that you do deserve to live and thrive, but you must know yourself and see the truth of your light that exists beyond your shadow.
The reversed Nine of Swords encourages you to focus on self-care and nurturing your mind, body, and soul.
Take time to rest, reflect, and recharge. Seek out supportive relationships and communities that uplift and inspire you. Remember that you are worthy of love, happiness, and success, and have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle.
Free yourself and shift your perspective. Remember the Sun card with the child on it? To escape the dread of fear, look on life with the wondrous eyes of a child. See the magic in existing at this moment in time. Remember the vastness of the Universe and all its wonders. It is so much bigger than what you are afraid of. See the radiant light and love that protects and assists you, every day. Switch mental gears. If you can’t sleep, get up and shift your thoughts for a bit. Read something that always brings you comfort. Remember your source of joy. There are even more joyful times to come. The light always returns. Day always follows night. Every time you choose to stand up to fear, you become more aligned with the light of your authentic-self. Everything is going to turn out better than you fear. It always does.